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New explosionproof equipment

Wednesday, 25 May 2016 11:31

We would like to present you a few interesting accesories for EX-hazardous zones from our new offer:

  • EXPID camera
    Explosion proof camera suitable to use in technical facilities where Zone 1,21 and 2,22 of explosion hazard occurs.

  • ABACUS notebook
    Explosionproof portable computer suitable to use in technical facilities where Zone 1,21 and 2,22 of explosion hazard occurs.

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ATM Lighting sp. z o.o.
ul. Maszynowa 30A 
80-298 Gdansk POLAND
EU VAT: PL9571058463
Court Register: 0000393130

ph.: +48 58 347 51 07
fax: +48 58 347 51 08